Worm Farming Education for All Ages

De La Fontaine Montessori Trilingual School (Kindergarden) 

Our journey teaching worm farming to children began over 8 years ago, bringing smiles to many young faces. This year, we visited De La Fontaine Montessori in St. Pete, Florida, providing engaging experiences with our worms, millipedes, and plants.  Thrilled to interact with students, we offered both visual and tactile learning opportunities, enriching their educational experience. 

Plato Academy (Gifted Students K-8)

Plato Academy was buzzing with excitement as Laica delved into composting with an experiment similar to this one. Using recycled glass jars, we stored various items like orange peels, pencil shavings, and bread mixed with water and soil from the school’s raised beds.  The students labeled each jar lid with the item inside and made predictions on decomposition times in their journals.  They eagerly shared composting experiences and picked up some handy tips to try at home.  It was a hands-on lesson that left everyone eager to nurture their own green thumbs!      

LCC Day School (6th Grade)

Laica supported 6th-grade science teacher Kristi from LCC Day School by providing Red Wiggler Worms and a worm farming introduction class. Kristi proposed using “The Book to Read With a Worm” for a classroom activity, and we instantly embraced the idea. Laica met with Kristi and her son, who eagerly welcomed the new worms with a drawn “Hello! Welcome!” on the board, sparking ongoing collaboration on creative classroom projects. 

John Hopkins Middle School 

For years, we taught worm farming to all ages, including a successful program at John Hopkins Middle School in partnership with The Sustainable Urban Agriculture Coalition (SUAC). This program, which ran through fall 2023, empowered students to learn about Red Wiggler anatomy, build worm farms, and harvest worm castings. Watching students enthusiastically care for the worms was incredibly rewarding! Every week, Laica Worms dedicated four hours to teaching worm farming in the classroom and Mr. Mac’s Garden, which was lovingly maintained by Coach Forte, daughter of the garden’s namesake. The program’s main goal was to inspire students to cultivate their own food and embrace eco-friendly practices. Check out the playlist below to learn more.

Sail Future Academy

Another successful program at Sail Future Academy in partnership with 15th Street Farm, The University of South Florida (USF) Center for the Advancement of Food Security and Healthy Communities (CAFSHC), the USF Metropolitan Food Project (MFP), and the Urban Food Project are carrying out a farm-based nutrition education program (NEP) which is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. Every week, Laica Worms dedicated hours to teaching gardening and waste management. Check out the playlist below to learn more.                                                                                                                       

Adults & Seniors 

For over a decade, we’ve been teaching worm farming to eager adults and seniors, helping them set up their own worm farms at home to tackle waste accumulation. Now more than ever, taking action against waste is crucial!  Individuals reach out to us to divert food waste from landfills, transforming it into nutrient-rich worm castings for their plants. Setting up is a breeze with our flexible scheduling and easy process. Just follow these steps:

  1. Have a chat with Laica to plan your worm farming journey.
  2. Get your materials ready – we’ll send you a list!
  3. Schedule your hands-on worm farming class with Laica.
  4. Keep in touch for follow-ups and advice.
  5. Harvest your worm castings and let’s check in on your farm! Our diverse clientele includes teachers, chefs, gardeners, and more, each with their unique setups. Whether you’re upcycling materials or ordering online, we’ve got you covered with our personalized worm farmer programs.

Group Classes & University Projects

Join our lively group classes for hands-on worm farming education, perfect for groups of 10 or more! Recently, we delighted 70 adults at The Garden Club of St. Petersburg with our interactive introductory class.  Laica wowed participants by demonstrating how to set up, feed, and care for Composting Red Wiggler Worms, leaving some eager to hold them and others stocking up on worm castings for their gardens.                                                                                                                       

Laica brought worm farming excitement to Eckerd College Community Farm , setting up two recycled bathtubs for large-scale worm farming! With hands-on help, a fun class, and thousands of Red Wiggler Composting Worms, students got the full worm farming experience – check out the photos below!                                                                                                                                                                                                          



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Our Story

Welcome to the amazing journey of Laica Worms & Vermicast! Created by Ana Maria Quintero over a decade ago. This venture is all about transforming food waste into gold with the power of Red Wigglers! 

Ana Maria graduated from the University of South Florida, St Petersburg (USFSP) with a degree in Geography, focusing on Conservation of Society and the Environment, and a minor in Environmental Policy. During her time at USFSP, she wasn’t just a student; she was a powerhouse! She served on the boards of the National Society of Leadership and Success, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Theta Kappa, The Student Environmental Awareness Society (SEAS), and even led as vice president of the Garden Club. 

It was in the Garden Club where Ana Maria’s passion for worm farming was ignited. Taking care of the worm farm, she discovered the incredible impact Red Wigglers have on food waste management. This revelation led her to dive headfirst into the world of worm farming! 

Ana Maria’s commitment didn’t stop there. She was part of the Honors Program at USFSP, where she penned a groundbreaking thesis titled “The Politics of Organic Food Consumption, Recycling, and Solar Power Use.” This extensive research highlighted the urgent need for effective food waste management. A shorter version of this thesis was even published in the Florida Geographer Journal under the title: “Politics, The Environment and USF St. Peterburg Students.” 

Her volunteer work on campus and her deep research fueled her passion and determination. In 2016, she officially launched Laica Worms and Vermicast LLC, turning her vision into reality and making a significant impact on environmental sustainability! 

Join us and Ana Maria on this exciting journey to revolutionize food waste management with the incredible power of worm farming! 

To learn more about us: 

The Gabber Newspaper

St. Pete Catalyst

Canvas Rebel

St. Pete Housing Authority

St. Pete Timebank

Digital Commons University of South Florida 

Florida Geographer Journal




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